Openfire 4.5.1 does not close invalid sessions

Hi, downloaded the app “Monal - XMPP chat” for iphone.
Connected to the Openfire 4.5.1 server and started communicating with users. After that, I deleted the client from iphone, 3 weeks have already passed, but there is still a session.
Disconnect clients after they have been idle for 360 sec…
Screenshot_459 Screenshot_460 2020-05-07 09-31-57.PNG

This is a known problem, which has several causes:

All of these issues have been fixed last week, and will be part of the next release of Openfire. If you’re interested in getting an early fix, you can consider running a nightly build.

As a work-around, you can disabled stream management (by setting the property to false). That should also prevent the issue from occurring.