Openfire admin website in IIS conflicting with another website?

I’m having an interesting difficulty with IIS- I have Openfire installed on IIS but I installed it after installing Symantec Endpoint Protection 11. SEP installed a website in IIS for admin, and when Openfire installed its website, when I go to log into I’m getting a page referring to the Symantec Endpoint Protection Manager login.

I went into the properties and changed the IP address for the Openfire admin site to the actual ip of the server instead of “All Unassigned” and it seems to be coming up now OK, but I’m wondering if this is going to rear it’s head again and become a problem. Anyone else have Openfire installed with multiple websites and have these difficulties?


First I do not know what you are doing with your configuration but, openfire does not run through IIS. It is not even a requirement. It uses its own built in web server based on jetty. What ever you are doing with IIS in relation to openfire is not needed and may cause errors down the road.

To change openfire’s admin website port simply change the info in the openfire.xml file. Located at c:\Program Files\Openfire\conf or whereever you installed it. You must make these changes with openfire stopped. Here is the section you change:

9090 9091

Thank you for the reply! I did not realize that openfire was not hooking into IIS, instead using Jetty as it’s own web server. So, I guess using localhost or or the actual IP of the server is the problem as I’m running two webservers on the box and when I log in to localhost it is confused about which webserver I’m trying to contact even with the port explicit in the url.

So, per your correction about my problem, is it possible to have IIS running and Jetty running at the same time, and if so, how do I get around the problem of logging into the admin?

Here’s what’s happening: I type http://192.168.x.x:9090 into a browser and I get the IIS webpage for the Symantec Manager product. If I shut down the Symantec service, then I get the Jetty Openfire admin page. Symantec uses 8443, so it doesn’t seem to be a problem with the 9090 port, which is why I haven’t changed it. Any suggestions for them coexisting?

The solution part of my answer still applies. Just change the ports that jetty is using by editing the openfire.xml. Make the ports anything you wish as long as they are valid and not in use.

Todd, I don’t know why I didn’t just do it first! It worked!

I just couldn’t fathom that if Symantec was on port 8443 and Jetty/Openfire was using port 9090, why changing the port would have any effect, but I think I just don’t understand how it works. Anyway, thanks for the help!

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