Openfire forbids subscribtion options

I have a subscription issue with openfire/pubsub.

I am trying to set up a temporary subscribtion (lease) to a node. I am using openfire 3.7 such as they are described here:

First, I subscribe to the node:

<iq type=‘set’

** to=‘pubsub.localhost’**

** id=‘lease1’>**

** **

** <subscribe**

** node=‘princely_musings’**

** jid=‘superman@localhost’/>**

** **


Now, I try to reconfigure my subscription (hB1tav9e5amaK6N9PMeokr5WN8kP3vphV4T3BAvD):

<iq type=‘set’

** to=‘pubsub.localhost’**

** id=‘lease3’>**

** **

** **

** **

** **


** **

** 2012-02-28T11:59Z**

** **

** **

** **

That’s where I get a nasty “forbidden” error:



So I try to simple read the subscription’s options by doing:

<iq type=‘get’

** to=‘pubsub.localhost’**

** id=‘lease2’>**

** **

** **

** **

and I get a forbidden error again. What’s the matter? In my openfire configuration, auth is done via LDAP and superman@localhost is designed as administrator so I can’t think of anyone whith more rights than him. He is also creator of the node princely_musings.

By the way (but this is not the main issue, timouts on subscriptions are ok with me), will there be a presence based subscription in openfire such as described in some day?

Thanks for your help,
