Openfire Log XML - Errors?

Hey guys,

I’m trying to verify the XML that’s printed to the log through Openfire. Here is my log:

hi3r5RuMhi3r5RuMbetterlIm2VRbetterlIm2VRw/e you say w\20scruggs5V6y9nw/e you say w\20scruggs5V6y9nnot as crowded in here…</mess age>not as crowded in here…</mess age>not as crowded in here…</mess age>not as crowded in here…</mess age>lol</mess age>lol</mess age>lol</mess age>lol</mess age>not as crowded in here…lol

When I try to verify the xml (because I want to xml-tidy it), I get the following:

XML Parsing error at line 1: Extra content at the end of the document.

Anyone know how to get around this so that I can get a ledgible xml file?