Openfire meetings no sound

Hello, I have installed ofmeetings and offocus plugins on debian 9 server.

openfire 4.3.2

Everything works except i am not able to hear audio. I have checked audio settings. Settings are correct. When I speak the audio is detected in the small user window showing motion but I don’t hear anything through my headphones. I hear the sounds of login and logout only. No voice. Tried chrome and Firefox in os x and linux

Does anyone else have this issue?

Can’t help with audio issue, but you don’t need offocus with the latest version of meetings. Remove it.

Thanks wroot.
I discovered that offocus was conflicting with ofmeet then wasn’t able to restart ofmeet plugin. Uninstalled.

Anyone else have no sound or suggestions?



Hello, i wanted to update this as solved.
Turned out that my firewalls were blocking google stun addresses. so, no sound as a result. unblocked and sound works!


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