OpenFire Password problem

I have taken over for an IT manager somewhere, The administration log in details I have are not working. What can I do about it as I need to create people in the administration portal.
Help please!!!

You’ll want to run through the Openfire setup process, so to establish the admin account. Be sure to take backups before doing so. The setup process should not impact any current database content.

  1. Stop Openfire
  2. Edit conf/openfire.xml change <setup>true</setup> to <setup>false</setup>
  3. Start openfire
  4. From an incognito / new browser session, access admin console http://serverip:9090
  5. Set the admin account, along the way

I am running openfire on debian and upgraded to 4.2 this morning - all my users and myself can log into the client - however I can not log onto the :9090 admin console with either the admin account or my account (password failure) / I reset the parameter, but when i get to the admin setup screen it will not accept the default of ‘admin’ or the password previously (pre upgrade) used. Suggestions ?