Openfire running

Hi everybody,

I’m working on an internship project that is to group Active Directory’s users of my company in Openfire to create an internal instant messaging. Installation and setup were good, I have been testing ways to apply filters…

I’m inquiring about the Openfire’s operation and storage mode with Active Directory, so I tested addition and deletion of users in Active Directory to test if it is in accordance with Openfire.

So my question is that: is Openfire linked directly to Active Directory or did it copy the entire Active Directory in an other database witch inquiring later? I see that my database didn’t contain fields present in Active Directory, so I suppose there is not copy, but I prefer ask you. And if it is directly linked, how is the synchronization with Active Directory?

Best regards

PS: Sorry if my english wording is not perfect, I’m french

It is an LDAP connection to Active Directory. It does not copy the account but uses it for authentication against AD. The vCard information in openfire is also pulled from AD if the vCard mappings are set correctly ( Openfire should automatically poll your AD for new accounts. The time frame for this varies with every instal as it is controlled on the Active Directory side I believe.

Although I’ve not used it myself, I believe that Openfire used AD as a read-only resource.

Ok, thanks you for your answers ! I try to prepare any answers to questions that lambda users might ask me at my summary report.

Have a nice day !