Openfire sends Service Discovery request everytime I send XEP-115 Entity Capabilities


every time I send a broadcast presence to Openfire with XEP-115 Entity Capabilites attached, Openfire “responds” with a Service Discovery info request. My client then of course responds with its features and identities.

I don’t know why Openfire sends the request in the first place. Maybe he’s interested in my client’s capabilities but I don’t why it should be. The specification of XEP-115 doesn’t explicitly mention that the server should discover a client’s capabilities. Of course it can, but I understand it more of a client-to-client protocol.

Further more Openfire does not advertise support for XEP-115 in its Service Discovery response.

But the bad thing about all this, is that Openfire asks my client for its capabilities, every time it sends a Presence (e.g. with another element). The verfication string and hash is always the same! So actually Openfire should cache the capabilities.

So the whole point of XEP-115, namely less network activity, seems to be invalidated.


Client sends:

    <c xmlns="" hash="sha-1" node="URL" ver="QgayPKawpkPSDYmwT/WM94uAlu0="></c>

Openfire sends:

<iq type="get" id="213-75" to="111@dev/test" from="dev">
    <query xmlns=""/>

Client responds:

<iq from="111@dev/test" id="213-75" to="dev" type="result">
    <query xmlns="">
        <identity category="client" name="Exodus 0.9.1" type="pc"></identity>
        <feature var=""></feature>
        <feature var=""></feature>
        <feature var=""></feature>

I first thought, maybe my verfication string is wrong, but then I tried it with the example in XEP-115 (see above) and it still behaves the same.


I hope you help : ot/

It’s a nice read, but has nothing to do with my question.

Any other comments?


Is this still a problem? Just attempting to look at old Jira tickets and triage what the current issues still are… thanks!

OF-308 is associated with this post

For posterity: I cannot reproduce this problem in Openfire 4.6.0 (I’ve not tried older versions). I guess this got fixed somewhere along the way…