Openfire Server + Atmail Email server

Dear Openfire Team and users,

Im trying to setup a user integration betwen atmail database and Openfire database

I read some posts like this

but after few hours of trying i give it up

When openfire server starts i got the setup screen, he ask for language, database server bla bla bla

I have a backup configuration and when i use it ev its good

Im running Openfire on Debian 4.0

cand be a problem because username its ? from the Atmail database ?




<connectionString>jdbc:mysql://localhost/atmail?user=root&password=somepas s</connectionString>




<className>org.jivesoftware.openfire.auth.JDBCAuthProvider</className&g t;



<className>org.jivesoftware.openfire.user.JDBCUserProvider</className&g t;




<passwordSQL>SELECT Password FROM UserSession WHERE Account=?</passwordSQL>




<loadUserSQL>SELECT CONCAT(FirstName,’ ',LastName),OtherEmail FROM Users WHERE Account=?</loadUserSQL>

<userCountSQL>SELECT COUNT(*) FROM Users</userCountSQL>

<allUsersSQL>SELECT Account FROM Users</allUsersSQL>

<searchSQL>SELECT Account FROM Users WHERE</searchSQL>


<nameField>CONCAT(FirstName,’ ',LastName)</nameField>



Atmail database its atmail

table Users contain : Account ( wich its the username to login in email service ), OtherEmail , FirstName, LastName and many more

table userSession contain : Account , and Password (using md5 ) , LastLogin etc

Ive checked the mysql query via phpmyadmin and ev its ok with the sintax

Any ideea …

Thank you in advance for your help !!!

Best Regards


if you store your user as "" in the external database one will likely need to use "" as the username and still “” as the domain name which would result in a JID like "" while the first “@” would need encoded as \30 or something like this.

You may want to change one account from "" to “foo” and verify that the login works with it.

You could also try an external HSQLDB as it is very easy to setup and change, see


Thank you for support, but is not working, when i restart openfire server , i got the install procedure

i have same configuration database like here, same tables same columns

Now im triyng directly to add new users to Openfire database without integration of a new database

Ive opened this thread