Openfire slowing down and dropping connections

Hi there,

Using Openfire 3.6.0a with, IM Gateway last version, ldap authentication on another server and mysql at te same server.

The last few days when we start to spread the use of our jabber server it start to slow downat logon and drop connections time to time.

I’m new to openfire and didn’t installed it but now is my task to make it work properly. I tried to find any tip to what’s going on googling on openfire site but was not lucky.

I enabled debug but no error showed up. The only error I found on warm log is:

2008.11.14 01:46:52 Cache: Roster – object with key joe.doe is too large to fit in cache. Size is 397317

And on info log is:

2008.11.14 01:13:27 Packet sent to unreachable address

There is a firewall between the server and users but it’s properly configured.

Is this any known behavior?

Thank you reading and answering.



Hi Gustavo,

look at the memory usage in the admin console. Read also and set at least “-XX:+PrintGCDetails”.

Cache: Roster – object with key joe.doe is too large to fit in cache. Size is 397317” may happen and one can tune the cache size if needed. Maybe it’s a vCard with a very big image.

Packet sent to unreachable address” may happen sometimes.


Tive o mesmo problema e foi resolvido após a atualizacao para a versao 3.7.1