Openfire with ssl and certificates (Solved ?!)


I have running Openfire with ssl and it seems working but I’d want to tell you my experience:

have a server certificate signed by ipsCA and read time after time e.html as well as other forum threads and blogs.

This is my current setting of postgresql













I’ve tried using keytool from command line:

*adding root ca and intermediate ca certificate to /opt/openfire/jre/lib/security/cacerts

*adding root ca and intermediate ca certificate to /opt/openfire.backup/resources/security/truststore

*adding server certificate to openfire /opt/openfire.backup/resources/security/keystore

(Anyway I think that one of them it was a needed but not sufficient step)

Neither of them fixed the issue, either certificate didn’t appear on Server Certificates section of Web Administration Interface or there was a problen with the chain.

I’ve even tried to use KeyStoreImport and import the private key

The solution was more or less (On Web UI):

  • Paste the private key
  • Paste the server certificate and below the intermediate CA certificate
  • Delete the self-signed certificate
  • Paste the private key
  • Paste the server certificate and below the intermediate CA certificate

Yes I had to do it twice, I don’t understand why, it seems that private key it is not imported correctly. The only issue that I see as a weird thing is that it show the certificate twice but when I use keytool it tells me that there “contains 2 entries”

What do you think, or better what is your real experience about this topic?
