Operation completion time

While waiting for a deletion of shared group at my production server (it takes veeery long) i wa wondering is it possible to add an Operation completion time somethere in the Admin Console. This is just an idea, not a request. Sometimes it seems to last for ages, so i want to have some accurate numbers

Hi Oleg,

as it is in most times the database which is the bottleneck or a very bad coding of the application it is usually not possible to predict when a request will be totally processed.

Do you have the option to enable an SQL trace for the database or are you using the embedded database? For the embedded database you’'ll find the statements (actually not the real ones, an UPDATE will be displayed as DELETE and INSERT there and the prepared statements will show the assigned values) in the embedded-db/wildifre.log directory.


Parsing through my old opened questions. Have found this. It’'s not a case anymore, with a new machine deleting is quick enough.

But i wasnt talking about prediction. Just about counting the time it takes after you press the button and get the result