Hi there.
Please somebody test this issues and if all is ok commit into svn:
Hi there.
Please somebody test this issues and if all is ok commit into svn:
I have commit SPARK-1152,SPARK-1155
For SPARK-994 I think is not the right way to resolve this issue with a “Thread.sleep()”.
I think we should create a EventDispatcher for this.
I attached archive into SPARK-994 with some changes for bookmarks.
Check it please.
Here are some new patches to check and commit.
May be we it will be better to call ContactGroup.fireContactGroupUpdated() method from ContactGroup.addContactItem(), ContactGroup.removeContactItem() , etc methods ? There are some places where developers forgot to update group title after manipulation with ContactItems in this group.
Hi Konstantin,
SPARK-1157 and SPARK-1158 was applied to the trunk.
Thx for the patches
I attached a .patch file to http://issues.igniterealtime.org/browse/SPARK-1112 for someone to review.
Working good. cstux please commit patch to svn.
And what about SPARK-1153 issue ?
There are some deprecated methods used in spark i attached patches for it. Upload it please into svn.
FileDragLabel.patch.zip (611 Bytes)
PluginClassLoader.patch.zip (581 Bytes)