Please help with setup of openfire and Spark

I need some help please… with the setup of openfire and Spark…

I am using a router wrt300n

1.) I believe I opened up ports… but what ports should I have open ???

2.) Do I have to add the user or can the user add them self ? Do I have to change something in the server?

client side to connect

a.) How does the user connect to my server? (question ip address and domain)


can someone test my setup and offer suggestions ???

thank you …thank you

The web admin console, which is typically on port 9090 will list the ports the Openfire server is listening on. See the ‘Server Information’ page under the ‘Server’ tab.

Usually the server has to allow port 5222 incoming, and the client has to allow port 5222 outgoing.

I have attached a complete list of ports used by the server. Spark (or any other client) can add themselves to your server. In Spark there is an accounts button on the main login window. Click it to create a new account. To connect to your server they would need the realworld ip address of the computer running openfire. Your router should be configured to route all traffic from the specified ports to the internal address. The name of your server needs to match either the external ip or the dns lookup the external clients can use.