Plugin-Admin JSPs - Strange error

Hi, i am rather new to the OpenFire-World, but i have managed to sucessfully install my first test-plugin. Now i would like to add a page to the admin panel, but i get strange error messages when trying to compile with the jsps in the “web”-folder. (Again, when i leave it out, it runs fine)

Here is my setup:


<?xml version=“1.0” encoding=“UTF-8”?>











<tab id=“tab-aims”>

<sidebar id=“aims-server-settings”>

<item id=“aims-form” name=“AIMS Properities”


description=“Whatever” />





and my aims-form.jsp

<%@ page






<title>My Plugin Page</title>

<meta name=“pageID” content=“aims-form”/>



Body here!



so, now, when i hit ant plugins, i get


Compiling 1 source file to /home/hannes/code/openfire_src/work/plugins-dev/AIMS-Test/target/jspc/classes

/home/hannes/code/openfire_src/work/plugins-dev/AIMS-Test/target/jspc/java/org/ jivesoftware/openfire/plugin/AIMS-Test/ ‘’;’’ expected

package org.jivesoftware.openfire.plugin.AIMS-Test;


1 error


Where does the Compiler get the Package “org.jivesoftware.openfire.plugin.AIMS-Test”? I have defined that nowhere, it does not exist.

I am sure its only a minor fault on my behalf, please tell me which.

Thank You


I don’'t think that …/com/aims/plugin/ would work.

Try …/openfire_src/src/plugins/[PLUGINNAME]/src/java/org/jivesoftware/openfire/plu gin/

I have tried that, same problem, the current configuration runs fine as plugin without jsp-files…