Plugin disappear after deleting the IM gateway beta3

I delete the IM Gateway plugin while i have one client using the gateway and after that I cannot see the plugin anymore even after the server upgrade. I have experienced it before (2.1-2.3 ?) and gato have opened Jira issue and solve it. Now it is happening again with 3.0 and IM gateway plugin. I need to get back my database from back up to make the plugin reappear( I am using MySQL 4.)



I wonder which Wildfire version you are running. Daniel did post “Wildfire 3.1.0 Beta 2 is required at a minimum”. So are you using 3.0 or 3.1.x?



I was running WF 3.1.0 Beta 2. with IM Gateway Beta 3. (I have run WF 3.0 with IM Gateway before when Daniel has not made IM Gateway plugin detect for WF version)
