Plugin "Monitoring Service" doesn't export non-english conversations into PDF


I’m using Openfire to organize chat between employees in my company, and I’m using plugin “Monitoring Service” by Jive Software to resolve contentious situations.

I discovered the non-english (russian in my situation) characters aren’t exported to PDF at all, but in webpage it displays correctly.

Is there a way to resolve that issue?

I’ve attached example of PDF.

Maybe this depends on database encoding. Are you using unicode?

nobody cares about this since 2008

i’m sorry…
i don’t know java at all, english also is not my best-known language

you have to change souce and build plugin to get russian pdf.
on my freebsd it is:
/usr/ports/net-im/openfire/work/openfire_src/src/plugins/monitoring/src/java/org /jivesoftware/openfire/archive/

  1. add two imports:
    import com.lowagie.text.pdf.BaseFont;

  2. add throws to definition of methods:
    public ByteArrayOutputStream getConversationPDF(Conversation conversation) throws DocumentException, IOException {
    private ByteArrayOutputStream buildPDFContent(Conversation conversation,Map<String, Font> colorMap) throws DocumentException, IOException {

  3. change font definitions in both those methods

add this line as first to both methods:
BaseFont bf = BaseFont.createFont("/path/to/unicode-font.ttf", BaseFont.IDENTITY_H, BaseFont.EMBEDDED);

and replace all “FontFactory.getFont(FontFactory.HELVETICA” to “new Font(bf” (10 entries)

  1. just build plugins:
    #cd /usr/ports/net-im/openfire/work/openfire_src/build
    #ant plugins

if build is successfull, you can delete original plugin in admin console and upload your plugin from

based on: (russian)
and google

here, i have created a ticket with your information OF-404, maybe someday someone will fix this and release the new version of plugin

Thanks a lot!

anyone can fix it

i just don’t know what about licensing of external fonts…

and how to get their path unchanged in different OSes

Where I can find source code of Monitoring service plugin last version?