Plugin with servlet


I’'m trying to make a plugin that add a webapp to the jetty server (someting like the presence plugin).

So I put a jar containing my servlet classe in lib/ and I’'ve created a web/WEB-INF dir, with a web.xml file containing :

:9090/plugins/myplugin/mypage.html, I get a 405 error.

What am I doing wrong ?

Thanx in advance,


Hi Nico,

In your servlet init() method are you adding an exclude filter? Something like:



Hope that helps,


I didn’'t (good point !), but it did not solve my problem !

I didn’'t (good point !), but it did not solve my problem !


Looking closer at the presence plugin and the documentation it looks like you need to create a web-custom.xml file instead of web.xml file. Try that and see if it works.



Ok… that was my fault, I forgot to remove the super.doGet() generated by eclipse…

By the way, both web.xml and web-custom.xml work fine !

Thanks anyway !

Ok… that was my fault, I forgot to remove the

super.doGet() generated by eclipse…

By the way, both web.xml and web-custom.xml work fine!

Good to know.
