Plugins When Building


I’m working on the Spark out of SVN trying to make it work decent for me. However I’m not purchasing the expensive license for installer4j, so I’m just doing the ant build for now… However I’m noticing none of the plugins are showing available for me to load in when I go that method. So far I’ve made a few changes to the Spark app such as improving the way the menuing works under Mac to make it seem more like a native OSX app, and I also made it so when a specific url is locked into the spark app it hides the address it logs into… In anycase, I’m having difficulties loading the plugins in my build perhaps someone can help me?


I put in some debug code into along the lines of

private Plugin loadPublicPlugin(File pluginDir) {

    Log.error("Loading Plugin--->"+pluginDir);

    File pluginFile = new File(pluginDir, "plugin.xml");

    Log.error("Reading "+pluginFile);

    SAXReader saxReader = new SAXReader();

    Document pluginXML = null;

    Log.error("Past the saxReader");

Just to show that the file is going along its intended path…

Now the logging output from the OSX console…

Sep 16 00:09:43 Macapak [0x0-0x676676].com.silvona.SilcBundle[27669]: SEVERE: Reading /Users/nveid/Library/Application Support/Silc/plugins/otrplug/plugin.xml

Sep 16 00:09:43 Macapak [0x0-0x676676].com.silvona.SilcBundle[27669]: SEVERE: Loading Plugin—>/Users/nveid/Library/Application Support/Silc/plugins/roar

Sep 16 00:09:43 Macapak [0x0-0x676676].com.silvona.SilcBundle[27669]: SEVERE: Reading /Users/nveid/Library/Application Support/Silc/plugins/roar/plugin.xml

Sep 16 00:09:43 Macapak [0x0-0x676676].com.silvona.SilcBundle[27669]: SEVERE: Loading Plugin—>/Users/nveid/Library/Application Support/Silc/plugins/sparkphone

Sep 16 00:09:43 Macapak [0x0-0x676676].com.silvona.SilcBundle[27669]: SEVERE: Reading /Users/nveid/Library/Application Support/Silc/plugins/sparkphone/plugin.xml

Sep 16 00:09:43 Macapak [0x0-0x676676].com.silvona.SilcBundle[27669]: SEVERE: Loading Plugin—>/Users/nveid/Library/Application Support/Silc/plugins/spelling-plugin

Sep 16 00:09:43 Macapak [0x0-0x676676].com.silvona.SilcBundle[27669]: SEVERE: Reading /Users/nveid/Library/Application Support/Silc/plugins/spelling-plugin/plugin.xml

Sep 16 00:09:43 Macapak [0x0-0x676676].com.silvona.SilcBundle[27669]: SEVERE: Loading Plugin—>/Users/nveid/Library/Application Support/Silc/plugins/translator

Sep 16 00:09:43 Macapak [0x0-0x676676].com.silvona.SilcBundle[27669]: SEVERE: Reading /Users/nveid/Library/Application Support/Silc/plugins/translator/plugin.xml

And its pretty much teh samething for every plugin… So… Its not getting Past the SAXReader… why in the world would this be?

I’ll be the first to admit I’m not really a java coder, but I can hack my way through things if need be… Now for the fact I’m not really a java coder, I’m thinking I’m missing something as far as the SAXReader is going? Is there somethign else I need to get it to load that up correctly?