Presence Mode v/s Presence Type

Can someone please elaborate on the difference between Presence Type and Presence Mode. The API is not very descriptive.

Also, what combination should I expect when lets say an AOL users goes invisible, away, blocks me etc etc?


Message was edited by: bharatg

Presense Type is the ‘‘type’’ attribute of a presence packet and identifies the purpose of the packet. If no type attribute is present, it signifies that the use is available. A type value of unavailable indicates that a user went offline or left a room (depending on the from). The other main type values have to do with subscription and either indicate a subscription request/answer or subscription state.

The mode of a presence is actually the ‘‘show’’ attribute of a presence packet. It is used in presence packets whose type is ‘‘available’’ and provides more detailed information about the users level of availability. Valid values are available, chat, away, xa (extended away), and dnd (do not disturb).
