Privacy Lists Dev

Hi all. Please update this sources and upload them into svn. I’ll use them for PrivacyLists functionality. but somebody could work with them before i’ll finish my part.

Here is first screenshot of privacy.

Sorry I couldn’t make screenshot from Popup menu. In few days i’ll send patches.

Any notes about it ?

I just wonder what should i see in that screenshot?

please somebody check this RC version =)
Privacy.tar.gz (6690 Bytes)

I don’t know what and how to check Explain what is shown in this screenshot.

When you will install this patches after spark start it will create private list.
Then you could block Contacts with right click on contact into CintactList and selecting “Block contact” menu. After contact was blocked this menu will be “Unblock contact” (by selecting this you will allow contact to send messages for you and see you status). Blocked contacts couldn’t send messages, they don’t see when you are online (you will be always offline in there contact list). If contact is blocked you will see lock icon tight to the contacts nickname (like into my screenshot).

Later I’ll add Blocked contacts menu. Where users could find all contacts they blocked. And from there uses will have ability to switch there privacy status (visible for all, visible only for contact list, etc.) And Invisible status.

I was able to apply only the first diff (plugin-privacy). All others won’t apply.

Is there any error message ?

Well, NetBeans only says that patch couldn’t be applied in the current context. In the log it just says that patching failed, then shows the path to the java file and something like “index: 82”. I’m not at home right now, can’t say exactly.


I have recreate the patch. :slight_smile: (6227 Bytes)

Thx. I’m waiting for comments )

Ok. I was able to apply cstux’s patch, but i dont see Block contact menu in the contact’s context menu. I tried to add local contact (not from a shared group) and it doesnt havr such menu either.

Is there any messages in log about PrivacyPlugin ?


I have found the problem. The patch for plugins.xml is missing.

Try the Privacy-1.1.patch (4686 Bytes)

In the last patch server is hardcoded: file - HOST_NAME =

Also, next time dont forget to mention, that i have to apply 1 version and then 1.1 on top. I was first trying to apply 1.1 to SVN

Now about the privacy plugin. It works. Though i would place that Block contact/Unblock contact context menu entry somewhere near Remove, Rename, etc. Also, is it ok that it blocks presence for you? I mean, when i block someone, then after logout and login i cant see them online, and if i try to unblock them, i will have to relogin to see them online. I thought privacy would work like Invisible mode, when you can hide, but still can see others. I don’t know what specs say about this. And the last thing. If i block someone, i can still send messages to them. Then it makes no sense why presence is blocked from me, but messages still go through.

Thanks for the comments. I’ll make some changes )

Next version. was added wroot’s functionality. (6682 Bytes)

Is this patch has to be combined with the previous version? I have reverted to SVN, then applied this latest patch and i can’t find Block menu. Can you generate a full patch for the latest SVN?

Sorry i forgot to add an XML. try this one. (6916 Bytes)

This one works. Ok, now it looks more like an invisibility mode. Now, after blocking a contact i still can see his presence and send messages to him. Everything is fine.