Problem with anonymous users

I’m trying to make an application based on openfire with the following order, ananonymous user will contact a user has logged into the server.
However I am facing a great difficulty to be able to identify the anonymous users who enter the server, since i need that only a certain group, or the entire server knows that user is entering.
My problem is the fact that the anonymous user does not belong to any group andopenfire does not send presence to all users of a group or resource or server.
Now I can find users by sending messages over the broadcast plugin, but I can notverify that it is offline
Is there any way when an anonymous user loses connection or stay too long withoutsending any messages his status is considered Offline?


Hi Marco,

there is no simple solution available (as fa as I know). we have implemented something similar to Fast Path to handle your scenario.

Have you figured out a way how to connect against OF in anonymous mode? What client are you using?


Walter Ebeling Hello and thanks for the help.
I’m developing my own client in silverlight and another one using the library jsjacwebchat.
The webchat which must have the anonymous user.
How would I do that using the Fast Path?

Thanks for the help