Publish Sparkweb to apache and disable addons

I have gotten sparkweb to work with ssl thanks to the new version of red5. now my question is how to get it to work with apache. I copied the directory over and can’t seem to get it to work. any pointers. I would prefer to not have to do a reverse proxy with apache.

also, how can I disable some of the additions, like opening a web page.


make sure you are using the latest version

function jive_sparkweb_getConfig()

var username = getPageParameter(‘username’, ‘’);
var password = getPageParameter(‘password’, ‘’);
var autologin = getPageParameter(‘autologin’, ‘false’);
var webapp = getPageParameter(‘webapp’, ‘red5’);
var conn = getPageParameter(‘conn’, ‘socket’); // socket, http or rtmp (using xmppurl below)
var tls = getPageParameter(‘tls’, ‘true’); // socket, use TLS or not

return {

//httpLabel: “Ignite”,
//httpURL: “”,
username: username,
password: password,
server: window.location.hostname,
port: conn == “socket” ? 5222 : window.location.port,
red5url: “rtmp:/sip”,
xmppurl: “rtmpt::8000/xmpp”,
webapp: webapp,
connectionType: conn,
connectionTLS: tls,
policyFileURL: “xmlsocket://” + window.location.hostname + “:5229”,
webcamAvatar: “false”,
visualPresence: 120,
historyChats: 2,
autologin: autologin

if you are not using the red5 features like SIP phone, video, etc, it should work with apache.