Pubsub Node - subscription_depth

I try to make a subscription function like this :

SubscribeForm subForm = new SubscribeForm(FormType.submit);

** subForm.setDeliverOn(true);**

** subForm.setDigestFrequency(5000);**

** subForm.setDigestOn(true);**

** subForm.setIncludeBody(true);**

** FormField field;**

** //field = new FormField(**

** // SubscribeOptionFields.subscription_depth.getFieldName());**

** field = new FormField(“pubsub#subscription_depth”);**

** field.setType(FormField.TYPE_LIST_SINGLE);**

** field.addValue(“4”);**

** subForm.addField(field);**

** field = new FormField(**

** SubscribeOptionFields.subscription_type.getFieldName() );**

** field.setType(FormField.TYPE_LIST_SINGLE);**

** field.addValue(“items”);**

** subForm.addField(field);**

** nd.subscribe(login + “@” + host, subForm);**

When my user use the fucntion to make a subscription the parameter pubsub#subscription_depth don’t have the good value 4

**My openfire srver answer this : **

<subscribe xmlns="[]("/>






<invalid-jid xmlns="[]("/>

Some people can help me


The valid values for that field are 1 or all.

If you got the form via node.getSubscriptionOptions() the server would return a form with the valid options.

Thanks for your reply

unfortunately with the node.getSubscriptionOptions() I not have the pubsub#subscription_depth.

Do you think it’s a permission problem with the user who want to connect???