PubSub Subscription Authorization Request Never arrives to node owner

I am using OpenFire 3.6.4.

I created a node which requires authorization from the node owner. (let us say owner is UserA/IM)

When UserB/IM is requesting for subscription to this node. Immediately User B gets reply stating subscription is pending. However the subscription authorization request is never sent to User A.

In the debug log I see the authorization request created but at the end it shows the following error “RoutingTableImpl: Failed to route packet to JID: UserA”

Is routing faliing since the “to field” is only a BARE jid without the resource name.


Looks like this was caused due to some other error. I restarted the server and this problem is resolved. I am still keeping a close eye and will report if I see this again. However the next step in this flow does not seem to happen, UserB is not notified that subscription has been approved, even though I see that subscription has been established. Thanks.