Question about using smack in my application

First i will thanks to it2000 for his help ,but i still have some questions in my work.


I saw the artical above and learned to deploy wifi in tomcat.But there was wrong!

I get the wildfire.war from source code thought running ant,and copy it into the webapp folder.

I run tomcat and wildfire.war was “exploded” and a new wildfire folder was created under the webapps folder.(at this step tomcat start up and tell me “the server canot start up”, i think it was the wifi did not start up )

I delete admin folder to make sure the wildfire home folder does not contain an admin folder under the plugins folder.

I create wildfire_init.xml ( in the Tomcat 5.5

and write …
wildfireHome in it.

But when i run it,it canot work from my web.

My question is :

1 I just want to translate message from clinet to server,and get the message as input of the other application running in the i need to deploy wifi into tomcat as web application?

2 If i deploy wifi in tomcat as the artical said,where can i config my wifi(host,port) ?

3 What was wrong when i deploy wifi in tomcat?i canot collect login.jsp

4 How can i get message from wifi running in tomcat?

Message was edited by: ethanfeng


1 I just want to translate message from client to server,and get the message as input of the other application running in the i need to deploy wifi into tomcat as web application?

What do you want to do in detail? If you just need an XMPP server you can use any one, there’'s no need for Tomcat.

2 If i deploy wifi in tomcat as the artical said,where can i config my wifi(host,port) ?

Yes, see the Wildfire forum for details, port 8080.

3 What was wrong when i deploy wifi in tomcat?i canot collect login.jsp

not clear

4 How can i get message from wifi running in tomcat?

What messages do you want to get? Do you want to chat using two Spark clients?



Now i will describe my application to you.

My application is used to answer the user’'s question .You can input a question

and it will give you the correct answer(just like “answerbus”).It’'s running in tom- cat,and the user could access to jsp page to input his question to use it.

And now,i wish the user could use IM clinet to input question( because i think

xmpp can translate audio,this is important,because adding “sphinx4” into

the system ,the user could use microphone to input his question.)

But my problem is i should realize message(string type) translating from IM

clinet to my application.That is why i want to use wifi as IM server and "translate

message from client to server,and get the message as input of the other applica-

tion running in the tomcat".My aim is not translate message from clinet to clinet.

And i am sorry i had trouble you so much,and my english is not very well,so i

have not describe my problem clearly last time,and i will try to deploy wifi later.


Now i will describe my application to you.

My application is used to answer the user’'s question .You can input a question

and it will give you the correct answer(just like “answerbus”).It’'s running in tom- cat,and the user could access to jsp page to input his question to use it.

And now,i wish the user could use IM clinet to input question( because i think

xmpp can translate audio,this is important,because adding “sphinx4” into

the system ,the user could use microphone to input his question.)

But my problem is i should realize message(string type) translating from IM

clinet to my application.That is why i want to use wifi as IM server and "translate

message from client to server,and get the message as input of the other applica-

tion running in the tomcat".My aim is not translate message from clinet to clinet.

And i am sorry i had trouble you so much,and my english is not very well,so i

have not describe my problem clearly last time,and i will try to deploy wifi later.

Waiting for your advice.


using XMPP the user must have someone to ask, this is either a user or a plugin like the “broadcast” one. So the plugin receives the message, using a message interceptor (just like in the content filter) and creates a new message which is sent back. In this case it could make sense to deploy everything in Tomcat.

Or you create a “bot” (a standalone java application) using Smack, so you are independent from the XMPP server, personally I prefer such an approach.

No matter what you like more, you could always use the well-known HTTP-Get method and jsp pages to forward the questions to the existing application and get the answer.



Thanks for the your advice,I will try on it,and i also think the best way is write out

a clinet “bot” by myself and use it in my tomcat.Your advice is very useful to me.