Questions about PubSub (server side)


I’m currently implementing a PubSub client with very basic functions (create node, discover nodes, subscribe, publish message, and retrieve published items). So far, everything is working fine, using the PubSub service included with Openfire.

However, I have a few questions about how it works in details:

  • I didn’t see a panel to administer PubSub in openfire admin console. Is there a way to administer without manually creating packets?

  • How many (and how much time) messages are stored in the server for one given node? Is there a way to configure that? (I may need to send a lot of messages)

  • Is there a way to configure how many message are retrieved by a client when he connects? (we estimate are that 20 messages/hour will be sent on a given node, and a client can be away for weeks, during holidays)

  • Is there a way to prioritize the storage of messages ? (some types of messages are not that important, so they don’t need to be stored)

Thanks in advance for answers