Quick Custom Status

Using Spark 2.5 beta 2…

I really like the ability to store custom status messages for future use, but sometimes I want to select “Away” and enter a quick status message like “Bob’'s office”.

I know this is almost exactly GoogleTalk does, but not really. I don’‘t want it to remember these messages for future use. If I want to store a message, I’'ll use the current procedure.

Using the same mechanism as before, you can do exactly that. Just uncheck the “save for future use” checkbox.



I’‘m sorry, I didn’'t state that clearly. I would like to set a one-time status quickly

Current steps:

  1. Click status drop-down

  2. Click Set status message…

  3. Select Presence from drop-down

  4. Enter Message

  5. Uncheck Save for future use

  6. Click Ok


  1. Click status drop-down

  2. Enter Message

  3. Press enter key