Redfire (The new Red5 Plugin for Openfire) released

I am bit surprised when you all says “red5 plugin working for you”. I have installed Openfire 3.7.1 with very basic settings on windows 7machine and now im trying to install red5 plugin. I have stopped openfileserver, copied the “red5.war” which is downloaded from, to C:\Program Files (x86)\Openfire\plugins and started openfireserver. But I cant see anything on openfire admin console plugin page. When I checked the C:\Program Files (x86)\Openfire\logs\error I can see :”Eror loading plugin:C:\Program Files (x86)\Openfire\plugins\red5” . what is happening here am I doinganything wrong here? Please advice


Redfire Release.

Windows 7 system.

The client hangs at the termination of video of a session.

Completion of work possibly only through a task manager, compulsorily to finish the appendix.

Whether it is possible to correct it?


Redfire Release .

Система Windows 7.

Клиент зависает при окончании видео сеанса.

Завершение работы возможно только через диспетчер задач, принудительно завершить приложение.

Можно ли это исправить ?

Thanks for the post.

We are using Openfire + Spark + Redfire . It is working Fine .

As well as We are using fastpath service also. Iti is also working fine .

But Now we want voice chat with web client from fastpath agent .

When i tried this , the voice chat window is opening at agent(Spark) side .,at client(Web customer) side Voice chat request is not comming from agent .

And there is no option at Webchat window for voice call .

Please help me .

redfire-plugin.jar plug-in is necessary to you

He should be put in c:\Program Files\Spark\plugins\

and to put in “USER” c:\Documents and Settings\ \Application Data\Spark\plugins\

Plug-in it is necessary to edit, rename redfire-plugin.jar in

to edit


#Red5 Settings




to rename into redfire-plugin.jar