We are using openfire 4.5.1 and Spark client 2.8.3 and I am having an issue with the title information coming back over from ad. When a user first log’s in the information is populated. But, if they have a title change it doesn’t change. I have tried clearing the cache and rebooting the server. Neither have worked. I also, just tried to clear the fold in app data on the users computer. Is there something else I can try to flush in the information?
Hmm, there can be various places where this is cached.
You can rule out a Spark issue by trying to use Spark on a different computer.
For Openfire, I’d first try to flush the cache called “VCards” through the admin console of Openfire. LDAP results are cached for some time as well though, so that might still cause something to linger. In any case, restarting Openfire should take care of that.
I’m having this exact problem, but my provide.vcard.className value is already set to org.jivesoftware.openfire.ldap.LdapVCardProvider. I’ve tried flushing the caches - all of them. If we go in the client and try to manually update the Title we get “Server does not support vcards”.