Regarding OFMEET Video Stream issue

I have installed Openfire 3.10.2 and ofmeet.jar plugin version 0.2.3 .

I am unable to share the screen , it is lagging and reducing with multiple small screens.


Unable to switch video stream"

How to change the video stream configuration to match the screen resolution ?

Also PDF sharing is unable to see the file contents getting blank screen



Do you have openfire meetings chrome extension installed?

Yes openfire meetings chrome extension installed still have the same issue

you are using https I assume?

Yes using https:// and port 7443:/ofmeet

windows or linux? 64bit or 32bit OS?

It is CentOS 6.7 X64 bit

Ok. Thanks. I have seen the problem. Check your browser error log. Do you see:

Uncaught TypeError
olsStream.stop is not a function

stop method of a mediastream is deprecated and now removed.

It is broken with latest Chrome ver 47

so what is the fix for it ?


put comments on or remove if statement

JingleSession.prototype.sendSSRCUpdate = function(sdpMediaSsrcs, fromJid, isadd) {

var self = this;

console.log(‘tell’, self.peerjid, ‘about ’ + (isadd ? ‘new’ : ‘removed’) + ’ ssrcs from’ +;

//if (!(this.peerconnection.signalingState == ‘stable’ && this.peerconnection.iceConnectionState == ‘connected’)){

// console.log(“Too early to send updates”);

// return;


this.sendSSRCUpdateIq(sdpMediaSsrcs, self.sid, self.initiator, self.peerjid, isadd);



replace oldStream.stop() with

if (oldStream.getAudioTracks().length) {

oldStream.getAudioTracks().forEach(function(track) {




if (oldStream.getVideoTracks().length) {

oldStream.getVideoTracks().forEach(function(track) {




I did the changes as mentioned.

restarted the openfire

created the room using https://<>:7443/ofmeet

Tried to Share the screen

it asks the option entire screen or any other screen

I select Entire Screen and is the error below


Unable to switch video stream"

It works fine for me.

I think you need two screens if you are going to do full screen share otherwise minimise your browser to stop the recursive tunnel effect. Also you need to clear your browser cache to pickup the changes you made to the javascript files.

This works fine by minimizing the browser, but this is a pain to tell the users to minimize the browser each time is there any alternative solution that it opens another window or broswer gets minmized automatically ?

There is another question should i raise it separtely or continue here,.

How can we share and control the mouse and keyboard during the meetings on the shared screen.

How can we share and control the mouse and keyboard during the meetings on the shared screen.

Webrtc desktop sharing does not support mouse or keyboard control. For that you need WebEx, GotoMeeting that installs an app on the desktop.

is there any alternative solution that it opens another window or broswer gets minmized automatically ?

That is a very good idea to minimise the browser window from Javascript. I will add it to the todo list

Thanks let me know once the todo list is completed.

Actually i was thinking the way to replace webex , gotomeeting with Ofmeet. which is more easier to avoid multiple tools in the company.

And further way how this can be used as troubling shooting other PC remotely like Teamviewer etc,

Seems asking too much on this product enhancements.

One more think is the Meeting planner ( fullcalendear.js) is not working , how to fix it. ?

Hi Vivek!

I am also working towards remote control (with keyboard and mouse), both when other person is present, and unattended.

Let’s all work together on a future-proof, and integrated solution.

Best regards,

M :wink: