Removed messages are repeated whenever I login

on wildfire.3.1.1 with mysql

I’'ve used groups which I had created on admin colsole

today, I removed a group on admin consol( http://myserver:9090)

then Pandion says a message “the user( who belongs to removed group) removed you in his roaster”

and this message is repeated whenever I login…

I tried to fix this problem on mysql db

the table “jiveRoster” has “sub,ask,recv” fields

each normal value is “3, -1, -1”

when someone is deleted on a roaster these values are changed like “0,-1,1”


The users shared by a group which created on admin console

are not shown in this jiveRoster table

so how to correct this issue?

why that message are repeated again and again?

how can I update “sub,ask,recv” values in the DB?