Removing the "server" option

How do i remove the “server” option for the users.

I want to specify a default server that can not be edited by users.

I’m not a devoloper and am very new to this, so please add a lot of detail.

Depends on wether you’re talking about the Spark source code you’re willing to change or the ‘regular’ program files found after you’ve installed Spark… but you need to hunt down the \org\jivesoftware\resource\ file inside ‘lib\spark.jar’ (use WinRAR, 7zip or something) and change the HOST_NAME =line to something like this:

HOST_NAME = <your server here>

Hope it helps, I have no idea where is is in the source code again… see for more info on how to do it from source.


In case this is usefull for anyone:

Where you see “add(serverField …” and “add(serverLabel …”, comment both of those “add”.

And thats all (remeber to change de HOST_NAME at

It’s kind of simple to understand what it is done, right?