Responding to a broadcast. Ending and starting chats

When I send a “Broadcast” to several people, they are having trouble sending me a response.

If they type an answer it is sent without the originating question but rather as an additional comment on

an existing chat. ALSO - how do I “close out” a chat? (As you can probably tell we are new to Spark).

When I send a “new chat” to someone the old chat pops up for me to continue. I have been unable to find

a tab/button to “start a new chat.”

Do I need to go back to the Openfire server and set additional preferences?

Thank you, Marshall

mbonnie wrote:

When I send a “Broadcast” to several people, they are having trouble sending me a response.

If they type an answer it is sent without the originating question but rather as an additional comment on

an existing chat.

Broadcast sent as Normal Message indeed can be a bit missleading. But i cant think of a way to improve that. Personally i like sending broadcasts as messages than in separate window (like this is done in Exodus). It’s more convinient to have everything in one window.

One bug i notice. If chat with someone is already opened then this user gets doubled broadcast message.

Of course sender of broadcast doesnt see boradcast’s message in his chat window, only a response. But broadcast is automaticly changing to simple chat when receiver types a reply, so i dont know what could be a solution for that. Maybe first reply to a broadcast should containt broadcast’s quote.

ALSO - how do I “close out” a chat? (As you can probably tell we are new to Spark).

Sorry, i’m not native English speaker. What do you ment by “close out”?

When I send a “new chat” to someone the old chat pops up for me to continue. I have been unable to find

a tab/button to “start a new chat.”

You cant start two or more chats with the same person. Maybe you are referring to a tabbed interface and want every chat to be in a separate window? With current desing all chats are represented as tabs (like in IE7, Mozilla, Opera) in one window. There is no currently an option to turn off tabbed mode. Though this is often required in the forums.

There is a preference in spark to log a chat history. Turn this off and the previous chats do not show.