SBS 2010 compatibility issues?

I was about to install openfire on an SBS 2011 server, but I thought I should ask about compatbility issues. SBS is pretty highly tweaked and I want to make sure that installing openfire won’t blow away any built in settings or features. For example when I started the install script I noticed info for Apache in the EULA. Does openfire install Apache to run the configuration GUI? How does that play with IIS?

It doesn’t install Apache, it just has an Apache License (Apache is an organization and it happens that their http server is calledc the same:)). It shouldn’t interfere with IIS, it has it’s internal webserver (Jetty) to host jsp pages for the Admin Console. The only thing that i can think of is the port conflicts. It will use 9090 for the console (9091 for ssl) and 5222 for the clients connections to the server. So check if you have anything already running with these ports. There are more ports, but you probably won’t use them, though this depends on what are you going to do with Openfire.

Server Ports

All addresses

Client to Server
The standard port for clients to connect to the server. Connections may or may not be encrypted. You can update the security settings for this port.
All addresses

Client to Server
The port used for clients to connect to the server using the old SSL method. The old SSL method is not an XMPP standard method and will be deprecated in the future. You can update the security settings for this port.
All addresses

Admin Console
The port used for unsecured Admin Console access.
All addresses

Admin Console
The port used for secured Admin Console access.
All addresses

HTTP Binding
The port used for unsecured HTTP client connections.
All addresses

HTTP Binding
The port used for secured HTTP client connections.
All addresses
3478 & 3479

STUN Service
The port used for the service that ensures connectivity between entities when behind a NAT.
All addresses

Flash Cross Domain
Service that allows Flash clients connect to other hostnames and ports.

Thanks for the info. I will give it whirl. For the moment I am only using it for XMPP for the moment. Although I was reading about some of the plugins and they are very insteresting.