Search finds nearly nothing


I wonder who did tune the search function to return only a few results.

One example is the search for “iptables” which returns one result.

A Google search for “iptables” returns about 250 entries. There are also some PDF documents as Igniterealtime only blocks bot access to /fisheye.

A better robots.txt would be nice, with

User-agent: *
Disallow: /fisheye
Disallow: pdf=true


Thanks for the suggestions. I’ve added the Disallow: pdf=true line to the robots.txt

Regarding community search, a problem must have developed with the search indexes. I did a full rebuild and now see a LOT more results for ‘iptables’.

Hi Benjamin,

it should scare one that the search index gets broken within CS, hopefully this affects only the 3.0.0 pre-release version.

Regarding search engines I see some more issues but one should carefully tune the robots.txt file to make sure not to drop results.

There are quite a few pages (Home, Overview, All, Discussions) which link to the same thread - but they use different target URLs. This may result to multiple (google) search results. I wonder if it makes sense to add also

Disallow: tstart=

Disallow: /community/message/

to make sure that only “/community/thread/12345” will be found. Modifying Clearspace to return a unique link for each thread (similar to /docs/DOC-1234) would be a much better solution.
-> dfire)support?view=overview
(formerly_wil dfire)support?view=all
(formerly_wil dfire)_support?view=discussions
-> this one page has “Previous” and “Next” links

So I did another google search for `“Firefox is crashing when doing Reply”´ which returns 76 results. So one may want to drop also “jsessionid=” - I really wonder how google gets the ID. It seems that that every time it scans for content it gets a new ID.