Send a message to multiple resources

I’‘ve send several variations of this question asked, some with answers and some without, but I’‘m afraid I haven’‘t found the answer I’'m looking for.

If I have two clients logged into the same account using different resources (user@server/client1 and user@server/client2) but the same (default) priority, is there a way to get the server to deliver messages to that account (just user@server) to all of the clients? At the moment, it seems that the server only delivers the messages to the last connected client. I realize that I could code a client that can deliever the message specifically to each client, but I may end up using a client that cannot do this and I’'m hoping I can rely on the server to do it.

I know that there’'s nothing in my code that is preventing this from happening because if I point at a Google Talk server instead of my Wildfire server, then the message is delivered to all of the clients as I expected. With the Wildfire server, only the last client gets the message.

I’'m currently using Smack to implement the client but I may also start making use of other clients as well.


Wildfire sends it just to one resouce as specified in the RFC 3920:

“If the JID is of the form node@domain and there exists at least one connected resource for the node, the recipient’'s server SHOULD deliver the stanza to at least one of the connected resources, according to application-specific rules.”

“at least one” does not mean “all”, while “all” is possible without violation the RFC.


Okay so it’‘s clear to me that it’‘s up to the application to decide. Can Wildfire be configured so that I get a different decision than what I’'m getting now?

Vote for JM-14 or implement it and send Gato a patch.