Send (Message)

i am trying to send a msg as discribed in the documentation using the Chat.send(Message) method in and it does not work. The other user does not receive the message(s) i send.

In the same method i cam sucesfully use Chat.send(String) to to send my content.

But i would like to senda mesage with a subject and receipient address to a user and not start a chat.

snippet of the code i use follows.

start of code------

public void send (String user,String subject,XHTMLText xhtmlText)throws XMPPException {

if (subject==null){

subject=“no subject”;


//Chat newChat = conn.createChat(“”);

Chat newChat = conn.createChat(user);

//newChat.sendMessage("my name is super luser ");

//convert the content to sttring so that we can send it.

String content =xhtmlText.toString();

System.out.println (content);

System.out.println("sending mesg to "+user);

Message msg = newChat.createMessage();





msg.setProperty(“favoriteColor”, “red”);

//org.jivesoftware.smackx.XHTMLManager.addBody(msg,content );



end of code —

i would like to use the above commneted line if possible

any suggestions please?


Thanks for the bug report. There was a problem decoding the properties in the remote Smack client. In the next daily build you will find a fix for this problem.


– Gato