Server loses people and name

novayz problema. ne vse klienty vidyat normalnye imena. y vrmya k primeru 10 kontaktov y kotorih vidno tolko login. y soseda vidno vsex normalno,

i eshe odna beda. nekotorie klienty teryaut polzovatateley do perezagruzki. polzovateli online, no ih ne vidno ni v online ni offline.

new problema. some clients (spark) do not see the normal name. Beside me to example 10 contacts in which is seen only login instead of new name in group. Beside neighbour is seen all on names.

proveril neskolko klientov kak pokazuvautcy imena ot klientov ne zavisit. znashit problema v servere, kotoruy ne otdayt pravilno imena

shto delat s etoy problemoy?

has tested other kliente. problem with login-name. Signify the problem in server. That will advise?

new problema. some clients (the problems with server?) lose the people. People are found online, but in client their no nor in group online nor in group offline

eshe 1 problema. pichet mol server poiska nedostupen. V online vidno tolko 6chelovek. ostalnyh dlya menya server ne vidit. Na drygih masinah toge ect problemy. yavno vse vedet k servery. Pochemy on ne spravlyaetsya c zadachey, gde ickat yzkoe mesto?

problema. writes the server of searching for nedostupen. in online is seen only 6 chelovek. though their there not less 40. on the other computer of the problem others but too there is. And all lead to server. Why last does not manage. That him possible to do and that him can disturb or suspenderses to work?