I’'ve been reading the javadocs today and have a question. Is my understanding correct that Smack only supports client-to-server communications, and not server-to-server? I am developing a component and require S2S communications.
Thanks in advance.
do you really need s2s communication? maybe you are looking for a component protocol implementation (which afaik is not the same as s2s)
if you need a component library, take a look at whack: http://svn.jivesoftware.org/svn/repos/whack/trunk/ / http://www.jivesoftware.org/forums/forum.jspa?forumID=44
i don’'t know if it is still actively developed, but i used it in a simple component and it works perfect … take a look at the weather component example: http://svn.jivesoftware.org/svn/repos/whack/trunk/sample/weather/source/java/org /jivesoftware/weather/WeatherComponent.java
Herbert Poul
Hey Ben,
Server-2-server is a server feature. From the client point of view you can send messages or any kind of packets to JIDs whose domain belong to remote servers. The server will then need to create a connection to the remote server and deliver the packet. In other words, s2s should be transparent for the client.
– Gato
Thanks for your replies.
Basically I am exploring implementation possibilities. I am to build a gateway to a proprietary internal messaging system, and am looking for the correct way to implement this. Components would seem to be the most logical.
I take it Whack is not ready yet for development purposes of production systems?
Even though Whack is not ready for production its code is working fine. We still need to add more documentation and provide a UI so you can control and configure the components that are running in the “container”.
Let us know if you are running into any kind of problem.
– Gato
hmm… since you’'ve said … any kind of problem … … it would be nice if it would be possible out of the box to have each component to connect to another port (with one ExternalComponentManager) … afaik it is not possible with ejabberd to have more than 1 component at 1 port … (altough 1 component can have more than 1 host … )
anyway … this wasn’'t much of a problem, since i just copied the ExternalComponentManager and added that myself … the differences are 3 lines or so …
Herbert Poul
Hey Herbert,
Thanks for the improvement request. I created the issue WHACK-1 so you can now vote for it to raise its priority.
– Gato
Whack is exactly what i needed
One remark though - even though it is not yet ready for “production” use, an easy-to-get jar file (or set of jars) would make life a lot easier. It took me too much time getting everything sorted out and compiling, just so i could start developing.
Other than that, it’'s looking great.
Hey Ben,
Are you referring to a sample build.xml file that can be used to generate the component jar file? Or are you referring to how to set up Whack environment? Anyway, I think that both things are required.
Thanks for your suggestions.
– Gato
If your internal proprietary messaging system needs to act as a gateway, than check out the transport development line. This is beta, but takes care of foreign to JID mapping issues, roster management (basic support for now).