Session "State" Interpretation

I am writing reports on chat usage, using SQL Server. Based on what I’‘m seeing in the admin console’'s reports, I was interpreting jlaSession.state as follows:


WHEN ss.state = 0 then ‘‘Customer Left Queue’’

WHEN ss.state = 1 then ‘‘Chat Request Not Accepted’’

WHEN ss.state = 2 then ‘‘Chat Request Handled by Agent’’


How accurate is this? I am sure this will become a very important performance metric when we get this rolled out. The reason I ask is that I ran a test session which sat in queue for what seemed like more than a minute, during which time there were four available agents to whom it could have been successively routed, at 20 seconds apiece. None of them picked up, and so I finally ended my own session, receiving the standard pop-up of: “Are you sure you want to leave the queue?” But when I went into view the row in my new staging table, it was flagged as state = 1, and the Admin Console report had it flagged as “No agent picked up request”. I ran another test, where I left the queue in <10 seconds, and then it was appropriately flagged as state = 0, with the AC report showing “User left queue”.

So, what is the logic behind how jlaSession.state is set? Is there a certain amount of time past which the user leaving the queue is disregarded, and FastPath simply attributes it to the agents not picking it up?

Hi Darren,

Your definitions for the state are correct. The case where the state was

flagged as 1 looks like it may be a bug in the detection of cancelled

requests, but I need some additional information from you to verify.

When you made the request, are you sure that all of the agents received

an invitation? Also, are you sure that none of them accepted the chat?

