Session status updated in clustering if user fire the request on secondary node

I ran after a issue on openfire clustering
The sceneraio is below

  1. When a user sends a request to primary node, a local session is created on the request node and a remote session on secondary node.
  2. When the same user fires one more request to the secondary node, the existing remote session’s status gets updated to local session and a remote session is created in the primary node.
  3. When user kills the session on secondary node it kills the primary node’s remote session and secondary’s local session.
  4. Finally there is only one local session available in the primary node of the user, in this scenario, if user try to kill the session from secondary it raises session not found exception and it doesn’t process subsequent requests.

why secondary node status change to local, why not create a one more remote session on secondary

thanks in advance, Answer should be highly appreciate