Setup OpenFire - Création compte administrateur (Creation counts administrator)

Bonjour, j’ai un problème avec l’installation de openfire. J’ai l’erreur suivante: “Aucun nom d’utilisateur ou ce nom d’utilisateur est introuvable” lorsque que je entre un nom dans le champ [Ajouter un Administrateur:]. Il m’est impossible de finir l’installation.

Merci pour votre aide

Hello, I have a problem with the installation of openfire. I have the following error: “No name of user or this name of user is untraceable” when that I enter a name the field [To add an Administrator:]. It is impossible for me to finish the installation.

Thank you for your assistance

If you are using LDAP, the user you are trying to add may exist outside the BaseDN you set during the setup.

Merci, but I have to test of another configuration, but that still does not function. I thus install without ldap for the moment.

Bon courage

It would help to know your LDAP structure and how you are telling openfire to use it. If it is an AD domain I have a doc that may help you:

If you post your structure it would be easier to assist.