Shared groups and ICQ groups


I’ve found a bug or feature When i’ve defined shared group in the Openfire console, for example: “IPXP::Support” and i have the same name of the group in the my ICQ gateway (group ‘IPXP::Support’ with users), i can’t do anything except chatting with these ICQ users. Spark just doesn’t show me context menu elements like ‘Delete, Rename, etc’

When shared group has the different name, everything is OK. But it’s not so useful to have a lot of groups with the same users.

And a little old question about nested groups: i know that Spark can do nested groups, when the groupname has ‘::’ as delimiter. But it displays them very strange. Sometimes OK, sometimes not. Third nesting level group is always broken. For example:




Try it and you’ll see

2.5.8 beta1 still has this bug. Or feature?