Show all members automatically?

so when you go to User/Groups - Groups there are no groups listed?

Nope, not one

Ohh, I noticed one more thing to correct:

in ldap.searchFilter string - do you actually have < > brackets? I put them as ephasis on ā€œwhatever group nameā€ - you need to take them out

(|(memberOf=CN=COM-Administrators,ou=Groups,ou=COM,dc=ics,dc=idaho,dc= gov))

Yes, they were in there

And should that go in the ldap.SearchFilter or ldap.GroupSearchFilter?

Ok, some progress is being madeā€¦

I put (|(memberOf=CN=COM-Administrators,ou=Groups,ou=COM,dc=ics,dc=idaho,dc= gov)) into the ldap.groupSearchFilter field in the server settingsā€¦

But the strange thing is, I got 2 names back of 2 users, so Iā€™m confused as to what that is showing meā€¦ one username is mine, the other is the other system admin hereā€¦weā€™re both in the group in active directoryā€¦

So Iā€™m confused as to what Iā€™m seeing hereā€¦I thought it would show me the group nameā€¦ it says there are 2 groups, 1 for my name, and 1 for the other persons names, neither have users or administratorsā€¦

are you looking in User/Groups under user subtab or under Groups subtab?

I am going to Users/Groups and then clicking on the Group tab, and it shows me ā€œgroup summaryā€ and ā€œadd new groupā€ along withā€¦nowā€¦the 2 user names I mentioned in the last postā€¦

hmm, it shows usernames in groups tab? that strange.

under system summary page, what is ldap.groupSearchFilter set to? it need to be (objectClass=group)


ldap.groupDescriptionField - description

ldap.groupMemberField - member

ldap.groupNameField - cn

is that correct?

Yes, all that information is correctā€¦now in the users section, I only see the 2 people in the group specified in the Administrators group.

In the Group tab in the Users/Group section, nothing is listedā€¦says no group foundā€¦

probably a typo somewhere within ldap.searchFilter string.

lets decode it.

(|(memberOf=CN=COM-Administrators,ou=Groups,ou=COM,dc=ics,dc=idaho,dc= gov))

you have AD security group called COM-Administrators

in ou ROOTAD\COM\Groups

That group contain multiple users, but you only see two - yourself and the other admin?

Yes, the security group is called COM-Administrators, it only has 2 users, myself and 1 other person. Both those user names show up in the Users tab, but the group theyā€™re associated with doesnā€™t show in the Group tab, it still shows ā€œtotal groups 0ā€ and ā€œno groups foundā€ā€¦

just fo a kick of it.

you only have one group - try to remove (! and ) from the string. It works ok when you have more than one group - bu may be theare some issue when you use logical OR with one entry.

So if I change the string from (| ) to (! ) then I canā€™t sign in!!! Argh!

Is there setting stored somewhere other than the database? Weā€™re using MySql but I looked through the tables and donā€™t see that setting being storedā€¦

oops, fat fingers:)

I mean remove (|( and ))

justy leave


(also I note there is a space between = and gov in dc=gov)

Now I canā€™t sign in to the console

you may need one set of ()

in ms sql there is table called

mysql should have similar table.

if not, there is a file openfire.xml in openfire\conf folder

Yea, no table with, theyā€™re all ā€œofā€¦ā€ and nothing in the xml fileā€¦

guess I can uninstall and rebuild quickly

Ok, with that change, and it now shows as:


It still only shows 2 users in the Users section (which are all that are in the Administrators groupā€¦but it doesnā€™t show anything in the Group tabā€¦