Simulate Red5 calls

Hello everyone,

I’ve got a TSUNG server up and running. Tested quit a lot of Openfire features, and now I’d like to test Openfire chat load with a fiw number of red5 calls. So my question is : How can I simulate Red5 calls? and also Jingle calls?


Jingle probably has a java unit test application. If you don’t find one, try the demo/test application (org\jivesoftware\smackx\jingle\mediaimpl\demo)

Red5 does not have a unit test application. Red5 calls create Adobe RTMP connections from flash clients to the Red5 plugin in Openfire.

You can test RTMP connection load one of two ways.

  1. Write a flex/flash application to make the connection. You may run out of media streams as there is a limit in the standard Adobe Flash.player

  2. Write a java test application based on the RTMPUser class in Red5phone.


Fast and precised answer. I’ll check threw all that.

I was hopping not to have to do some coding. To bad.

Thanks again…

Hi Dele,

I tried to download, but the link redirect me to download, which can not installed on openfire. Could you please give me a right link for download the red5 plugin.


Just rename the zip file to red5.war and it will be fine.