Slow authentication

We have a problem with our setup. We use strophe to create a chat. The problem is that the initial authentication takes very long, around 20 seconds. Everything else seems to work fine.

Here’s an example. it took 25 seconds for the server to reply with this:

<body xmlns='[]('><iq type="result" id="_bind_auth_2" to=""><bind xmlns="urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:xmpp-bind"><jid></jid></bind></iq></body>

All the other stuff took a few milliseconds. And there are no other users on the server.

This makes the server crash when 5000 users try to logon at nearly the same time.

does anyone have an idea why it’s so slow?

Server Properties
Server Uptime:
3 days, 2 hours, 8 minutes – started Apr 9, 2010 2:00:08 PM
Openfire 3.6.4
Server Directory:
Server Name:
Java Version:
1.6.0_03 Sun Microsystems Inc. – Java HotSpot™ Server VM
Host Name:
OS / Hardware:
Linux / i386
Locale / Timezone:
en / Central European Time (1 GMT)
Java Memory

322.77 MB of 2958.25 MB (10.9%) used


does your server uses a lot of CPU or does it simply hang (monitor this “vmstat 1”)?

Create some javacores (kill -3 openfire-pid) while the request takes so long. This should show you whether Openfire hangs in one method or whether it does a lot of things which take so long.


Thanks I’ll try to check this out tomorrow.

I’m sorry, but we have decided to try ejabberd. OpenFire was a dream to install and program against. But when we tried to configure it for high performance (>5000 concurrent users), we were at a loss. This is not to write-off OpenFire, but we will now give eJabberd a go and see if that works better for us.