Smack 3.2.0 Released!

On behalf of @Robin Collier

Smack 3.2 has been released on May 5, 2011.

It has been well over 2 years since the last release, but much work has been done to fix bugs and add new features.

That includes new support for

  • Addition of pubsub (XEP-0060)
  • Addition of Attention (XEP-0224).
  • Fixes and improvements for over 40 issues

After a three month beta period, the long overdue next version is now available.

You can get it from the Downloads page.

Great So know, as the Spark is coming too, we only need someone to push SparkWeb (Dele is doing it or at least planning) and Whack (there is one new person planing to contribute)

That’s great news!

Any chance that it will be uploaded to Maven central?

Hi, is there a Maven repository where we can download this new release from?

This is wonderful, especially the pubsub integration that we have begun to implement.

Perfect timing

When will be uploaded to the maven central repo?