Spark 1.0.4 Released

We are happy to announce the release of Spark 1.0.4 which contains some very important fixes for our user community. We hope you enjoy the latest updates and hope all of you are getting excited for the Spark 1.1 release which will contain the new file transfer, MAC specific fixes, plugin viewer, some exciting plugins and of course a very detailed Sparkplug Developers Guide.


Jive Software

New Features

    • New Emoticon Picker has been added.

Bug Fixes

    • Cancelling File Transfers on incoming transfer cancels transfer.
    • Spark now resolves Domain using the service name.
    • Spark no longer writes out bogus entries into warning.log file.
    • File Transfer Open button now opens the file.
    • File Transfer is now creating the appropriate port to send.
    • Offline Messages now work in Spark.