Spark 2.5.8 (win) does not see credential cache

I am trying to implement SSO with openfire, and having difficulty with it. If desired, I can post all of the configuration information (and debug), but I think I have traced the problem down to Spark being unable to see the exisiting credential cache. Using the klist utility from MIT Kerberos from windows, I can see the following tickets:

Ticket cache: MSLSA:
Default principal: abc123@DOMAIN.LOCAL

Valid starting Expires Service principal
12/09/08 18:43:32 12/10/08 04:43:32 krbtgt/DOMAIN.LOCAL@DOMAIN.LOCAL
renew until 12/16/08 18:43:32
12/09/08 19:08:10 12/10/08 04:43:32 ldap/w2k3adc.domain.local@DOMAIN.LOCAL
renew until 12/16/08 18:43:32
12/09/08 18:43:32 12/10/08 04:43:32 host/myworkstation.domain.local@DOMAIN.LOCAL
renew until 12/16/08 18:43:32

But when using the provided jre/bin/klist executable.:

Credentials cache C:\Documents and Settings\abc123\krb5cc_abc123 not found.

Is this a problem within java, or is this indicative of a larger configuration issue?
